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Significance of Etiquettes


Every period in history is defined by a specific set of mannerisms and etiquettes. One age that particularly comes to mind when we discuss etiquette is the Victorian age. Victorian society was quite concerned with the overall behavior of ladies and gentleman. Although some of the manners of the era were bizarre but were followed religiously. Men and women were expected to adhere to the rules strictly. In the twenty-first century with our fast-paced lives, the word etiquette is fastly becoming obsolete. We believe in living our lives according to our rules. We are not obliged to mold our behavior according to the social conventions. So why are mannerisms and decorum essential in our lives?

What Are Etiquettes?

Etiquettes are treating others with respect. It is having an awareness of other’s feelings. It’s to be civil and mindful of our behavior towards others. It’s much more than wearing a black dress for dinner or keeping fork on the left side of the dining table. It is more to do with our actions and attitude, in fact, it wouldn’t be wrong to suggest that proper etiquettes have to do a lot with our education and upbringing. So why are etiquettes so essential, can’t we live the way we want? Human beings are social animals and cannot live in isolation. We live with our families, within communities, work with co-workers hence there have to be parameters for our behavior. Certain boundaries which define our behavior with others. It is no myth that people who are well behaved appear more attractive and pleasing whereas brash and rude behavior are always turn-offs.

Role of Etiquettes in Modern Society

We have come a long way from the moral policing of Victorians. Etiquettes of today’s world are no longer concerned with walking behind a man or picking up pencil skirts with a right hand, just below the ankle. There is no separate code of conduct for men and women to follow. One word that defines modern-day etiquette is courtesy. It’s all about being civil and being aware of other’s privacy. Our attitude is reflective of education and breeding. Positive attitude instantly draws people towards you for when you smile at the world, it smiles back at you. No one wants to hear a sordid life story or a long grocery list of ailments.

Don’t Put Up With Bad Manners

One of the most frustrating things is dealing with ill-mannered people, and like a swarm of bees, they are everywhere. Bad manners are spoilers and can dampen the mood of any gathering. A lack of decorum is not only disrespecting but is extremely appalling. Good manners don’t imply that one has to put up with the atrocious behavior of others. A dignified person has zero tolerance for bad manners. The golden rule of etiquette is to treat others, the way you want to be treated. However, if you are confronted with someone who is foul-mouthed or brash try not to snap or lose your cool. Be calm and composed when others show their worst because that’s your moment to show your best. Ultimately the good always triumphs over bad.

“ Manners are sensitive awareness of the feelings of others. If you have that awareness, you have good manners, no matter what fork you use.”
Emily Post

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