moon through trees
Inspiration, Literature, Love, Nature, poetry, Spirtual


As I sat bathed in random thoughts

At the edge of a vintage window

In the eerie stillness of one August night

I glanced upon a sight so astral

A celestial vision draped in pale 

A white heavenly silhouette peeking

At me through the darker ghostly leaves 

Emanating a softer radiance gently immersing

My entire physical form in an absolute

Glow so divine, I simply sat drenched

 In the ethereal luminosity, wondering 

At the miracles of mother nature.


9 thoughts on “Moonlight”

  1. Beautifully written. I can picture the moonlight overflowing all around you, embracing your very being. It’s a shame so many people are busy in life to not reflect on the beauty of creation. It’s there though.

    1. Thanks, for stopping by. I agree world is so materialistic now days that people have no time for the nature’s miracles.

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