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Souls Die Young




A ruby heart which snapped and fell apart in 

two as it couldn’t hold the jolts of  young

lovers gone sour.

Those translucent  blue veins where once ran the

streams of ancient Nile and Ganges freely like

the fountains of voluptuous youth,

Those courses now run parched and wasted. 

On whose rocky banks civilizations of prosperity 

thrived like transient bubbles-of hope, forever in 

fears  to be drowned in the folds of the foamy 

azure shades.    

That Herculean soul now frigid trapped in gory

casket as if  a dilapidated mansion,  outgrown 

 by ferns echoing in faint voices, 

one more soul down!  

one more spirit broken!

That soul gave up on life much before the mortal

body is laid to rest in the pits of  ashen Earthen


For Souls die young while body painfully longs 

to get old! Souls die young! 

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