Rose Flower
life, Love, Nature, poetry

Hearts of Ashen Copper

Hearts of ashen copper refuse to

erode away in surprise torrential 



Adamant  and resolute not to dissolve

in scorching heats & mighty 

tempests  they stand 

their grounds .


For hearts of ashen copper  are deftly

crafted to withstand the snobbery 

of thundering bolts. 


But the ruby hues  wither away against 

cold  lovers who carry in their raven 

souls tall blazing fires of basal 



For hearts of ashen copper are no match 

 for the  insecure prudish sires who

tremble harder than those 

dying  trees


The sturdy scarlet hues simply snap 

against the jolts of venemous 

breaths and indifferent 

sighs ! 

40 thoughts on “Hearts of Ashen Copper”

  1. Lovely piece of poetry. Your language and the expressions poured into this poem is fantastic. Hope to see more from you. Have hope, write on! 😊😊😊

    1. Thanks a lot for your very kind words, truly humbled, and yes you will definitely see more from me:) 🙏

    1. I’m so very glad you liked it, truly appreciate it. Indifference and vengeance two things that kill relationships …

    1. Sermon your words really encourage me to write more, thanks for your appreciation and encouragement. It truly means a lot to me.

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