
Do look for me in your spam

Hello lovely fellow bloggers, please keep checking your spams, I may have been resting in your spam folders. I regularly post comments but unfortunately some of them may be in spam. Keep checking.



30 thoughts on “Do look for me in your spam”

      1. I know its just awful,!! You read something you like and comment only to discover it has disappeared!

      2. Ok I’ll do that, I’ve tried but still I’ll do again, I am sorry for late replies, I am feeding my 18 months old! She is way too energetic for me!

      3. Oh sure they do, I am feeding my daughter since one hour while she is busy watching cartoons

      4. She sleeps by 1 sometimes as she is teething and I do have to rock her a lot in between!

      5. Yes I do but still some nights are trying, I then eat ice-creams and write poetry with she in my arms

      6. Ha ha very true, I’ve started to enjoy late nights and writing I do find your writing really amazing!

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