Humanity, Kindness, Compassion, Inspiration, Literature, Love, Nature, poetry, Self-Help, woman

But I Am Happy

In all my innocence, I thought you will listen gently to

the beats of my heart, I cried and howled as I was

alone and scared I knew we both spoke different

languages but still put my trust because I yearned to

speak and liberate myself from the fear and the million

different voices in my head but you mocked and tried

putting few words of your choice in my mouth and shut

it forever while I suffocated and cried but silently because

you didn’t like the sounds of sobbing I made and now

you claim I am mad because,I only talk to winds and trees

and never seek your company, For the allegations of

lunacy, I’ve been accused so many times and stripped

of any shame and dignity, but I am happy , yes you

heard it right as  happy as one can be and that’s my

only vengeance. 








29 thoughts on “But I Am Happy”

    1. Thanks a lot for reading. I totally agree, no point wasting good things on people who don’t care. ❤😊❤

      1. The most hurt comes from people who are close to us, but as you said with time once we identify we learn and move on. I’ve always taken refuge in myself at times of pain.

    1. Aww I am so humbled by your kind words , I am glad my words resonate with you. May be we don’t know but our lives run parallel 🙂

      1. Well I am truly humbled by your words, I say I am just as fine a writer as you or anyone. Thanks for your genorousity!

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